Thursday, June 7, 2012

Tea Parties Galore!

Hey Pixies!
I logged in today and saw this:

I'll do that later...
I then flew to Cassie's Costumes to see what was in store! Unfortunately, I was disappointed.

I mean, they're okay, but not really my style.
Then I flew to Gale's...

Wow, I love these! Maybe not exactly the way they are, but with some mixing-and-matching...
Next up: Summit Style.

Again, these are just meh.
Hmm, what next? Oh yeah, the Pixie Post Office!

Umm... Okay...
Seems a little boring and basic to me. It's only four pieces.

Overall, these June fashions were not all that interesting for me. I can't wait to see what the fashion spotlight contestants come up with!

See ya 'round the Hollow, hopefully in outfits better than these,

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